KB28: Solution provides the ability to import sales orders from an excel spreadsheet and create orders

KB28: Solution provides the ability to import sales orders from an excel spreadsheet and create orders

KB28: Solution provides the ability to import sales orders from an excel spreadsheet and create orders Nilesh Mandani

Whether your data is stored in spreadsheets, databases, or other systems, you’ll probably want to import the data into Dynamics 365, so you can keep track of all your customer information in one place.

You can import any type of information, such as accounts, leads, or opportunities – even activities or cases. (The different types of information are called “record types.”) Contacts typically come from an email program.

Reserve inventory for a specific customer against order by creating picking list and registration

Navigate- Modules > Sales and marketing > Sales orders > Order shipping > Generate picking list > Select customer sales order and pick invetory add other necessary details and click ok to post picking list

after that update the registration by

Navigate- Modules > Sales and marketing > Sales orders > Order shipping > Generate picking list > created picking list open go to lines mark the item and go to Update tab on ribbon and click on update selected
Status will be changed from activated to completed.

Save and close the page.

Invetory reserved against batch number so other person can not use that inventory.

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