Improve Efficiency with Dynamics 365 Supply Chain

Improve Efficiency with Dynamics 365 Supply Chain

Improve Efficiency with Dynamics 365 Supply Chain 1280 720 Santosh

In the age of digitalization, many companies have realized the importance of digitalization. The manufacturing companies have brought in digitalization for inventory, warehouse, manufacturing, service, and logistics for a unified and centralized view along with improving the efficiency. At Dhyey – as a Centre of Excellence for Microsoft Partners, we have worked with their manufacturing clients and have implemented a solution that best suits their need. For the clients we have implemented different Microsoft ERP and CRM solutions. Manufacturing as a concept is during a fourth major industrial revolution. The first and most widely recognized was the introduction of water/steam power in the early 1800’s. A century later, manufacturing was forever changed by the emergence of mass production and electricity – the second major industrial revolution. About 50 years ago, manufacturing was again revolutionized – this time by electronic automation. And now, with the advances in smart automation, manufacturing is changing exponentially right before our eyes.

Optimizing digital operations by implementing smart ERP Solutions helps the Manufacturing company reach its fullest potential.  For few of our partner’s clients in manufacturing industry, we have implemented Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management to optimize digital operations. Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management empowers users with the ability to obtain a unified view of inventory, warehouse, manufacturing, service, and logistics with predictive analytics that turn data into insights to support better strategic decisions.

Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management provides a single source of business intelligence that drives productivity from assets and resources, aligns employees toward strategic goals, and enables real-time response to organizational and customer demands. The Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management enables organizations to run smarter with connected operation. and to perform the following tasks:

  • Create an ideal manufacturing mix from discrete, lean, and process in a single, unified solution to support processes across the supply chain.
  • Optimize manufacturing parameters for each product family, including make to stock, make to order, pull to order, configure to order, and engineer to order.
  • Streamline scheduling with real-time visibility into resources by using a unified resource model and scheduling engine by using the Financial management module in Supply Chain Management.
  • Optimize the flow of manufacturing material and finished goods with advanced warehouse and logistics management.
  • Improve product quality by identifying and resolving issues through real-time insights and predictive intelligence.

Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management helps to improve product quality, warehouse management, and distribution methods by modernizing your supply chain. Dynamics 365 allows users to use online sourcing and logistics to advance warehouse efficiency and flexibility in response to changing quality needs. By automating workflows, users can gain visibility throughout the supply chain, allowing better control of business outcomes and operations. Utilizing a modernized supply chain to fulfil accurate inventory helps to provide quality control for users and a unified system for inventory management/pricing.

Centralize the production systems by optimizing online financial planning, scheduling, and sales operations. By using Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance & Supply Chain Management, users can connect real-time inventory and live financial oversight throughout the company to give personalized customer service. By bringing agility to the business planning, users can enhance back-office capabilities and provide digitized information including delivery times, change orders, inventory exceptions, and production schedules.

Supply Chain Management helps organizations optimize fulfilment and reduce costs by synchronizing logistics across sites, warehouses, and transportation modes. Additionally, it enables organizations to provide faster response to customer demand by automating a seamless coordination of an order-to-cash processes. The Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management provides visibility and control across all sites and warehouses for proactive response to issues by using financial analysis capabilities. By unifying processes from sales to fulfilment, Supply Chain Management seamlessly connects with Dynamics 365 Sales and purchasing with logistics, production, and warehouse management for a 360-degree view of an organization’s supply chain. It reduces procurement costs and gains greater control by automating procure-to-pay processes.

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